All Questions page 113
Name something that people are afraid to step on.Name a place people work that starts with the letter "B".
Name something you might bring to the gym.
Name a farm animal you would not eat.
Name something a doctor might use.
We asked 100 people: Name a popular movie trilogy.
Name something you get into and out of every day.
Name something you might win at a carnival.
Name a movie based on a real life person.
Name something everyone knows about the Vikings.
Name a place where you might have to wait in line.
Tell me something you might do to show someone you love them.
Name a job that Congress does.
Name a place people work that starts with the letter "R".
Name something you would like to catch.
Name something you drink for breakfast.
Name something you do not learn at school.
Name one person you would take with you to a desert island.
If a woman eats like a bird, what animal does a man eat like?
Name a place where you can sleep.
Tell me something you associate with Rome.
Name something that has passengers.
Name something teenagers can't live without.
Name an actress who has won an Oscar.
Name a popular fairy tale.
Name a fruit you don't need to peel to eat.
Name another word for 'surprised'.
Name a word or phrase you associate with the word 'driving'.
Name another word for 'far'.
Name a reason you might stand up a date.
What would you NOT like to be doing when the fire alarm goes off?
Name a cartoon you watched as a kid.
Name something you know about Spain.
Name something commonly found in a fairy tale.
Name something you might do when lost.
Name something that makes it difficult to drive.
Name a place where you would not want to be trapped with a stranger.
Name something that leaves a bitter taste in your mouth.
Name something that is dangerous for children to play with.
Name something people might display in their living rooms.
Tell me something you know about Japan.
Name something found outdoors that people might collect.
Name a reason you might give your waiter a good tip.
Name a word a dieter thinks about that starts with the letter 'D'.
Name something that could be described as fluffy.
Name a tennis player who is known around the world.
Name something you wouldn't want to get in your eye.
Name a country known for beaches.
Name an occupation that might get someone dirty.
Name a way of removing hair.
Name something kids often take for granted.
Name a place that is known for having great food.
Name a celebrity you would not trust with your children.
Tell me something people keep in the attic.
Name a place people like to take a road trip to.
Name somewhere you would move to when you retire.
Tell me something you would take with you if you were forced to evacuate your home.
We asked 100 people: Name the most popular event at the Winter Olympics.
Tell me something you would feel awkward purchasing in front of your grandmother.
Name a place where people hide things.
Name a type of list.
Name something associated with hippies.
Name the worst part of Halloween.
Name an occupation that starts with the letter "V".
Name something you would not want to stick your nose into.
Name a member of the British Royal Family.
Name a James Bond theme.
Name something parents do when their kids are away at summer camp.
We asked 100 people: Name a popular Christmas movie.
Name a Hollywood bad boy.
Name a spice used in cooking.
Name a French word everybody knows.
Name a contact sport.
Name a kind of donut filling.
Name a food that is messy to eat.
Name the first thing you buy at the grocery store.
Name a place you can go without shoes and a shirt and still get serviced.
Name something that a child might save their money to buy.
Name something your spouse might do that ticks you off.
Name something you associate with the Rat Pack.
Name something that might be described as life changing.
Give me a nickname for a skinny person.
Name a type of bird that you wouldn't want to eat.
Name a place where you expect to find people singing.
Name something of yours that's black.
Name a job that requires a lot of communication.
Name something a kid might practice kissing on.
Name something you refill.
Name something you associate with the Midwest.
Which cartoon character would you least like to have as a neighbor?
Name something you buy that you expect to last several years.
Name something you associate with volcanoes.
Name something you can write.
Name a job you might have on a ship.
Tell me something you might do after a bad break-up.
Name somewhere children love going that adults don't.
Name a place you would go to get a good view.
Name a sport that is not part of the Summer Olympics, but should be.
Name a fruit that squirts.
Name the person you would most like to be stranded with.
Give me a male celebrity who's a good role model.
Give me a reason for moving away from your home town.
Name a U.S. state that gets a lot of rain.
Name a way a rich person might lose all his money.
Give me a word or phrase that means you lost your job.
Name something in the office that breaks down often.
Name something you might see at Hogwarts.
Name something you shake before using.
Name a legendary baseball player.
Name something you might find in a bedroom.
Name a beloved cartoon character from your childhood.
Name a word that starts with the letter "Z".
What do you look for in a job other than salary?
What U.S. President once worked as a male model?
Tell me something a husband is afraid to admit to his spouse.
Name a sport where people wear shorts.
Name something associated with China.
Tell me something you do before you go to bed.
Name a celebrity that you would not want to have over for dinner.
If the socks that you are wearing could talk, what would they say to you?
Before the Euro, name any European currency.
Name a reason why you might put up signs around the neighborhood.
Tell me something that is described as precious.
Besides making phone calls, tell me something you use your phone for.
Tell me something you dislike about summer.
Tell me an occasion for throwing a party.
Name something you think of when you think of China.
Name someone you might offer a ride to.
Name something you are afraid to ask your partner to do.
Name something you expect to see in Paris.
Name a literary device.
Name a famous southern dish.
Name a sport that can be played by one person.
Name a word meaning opposite of "athletic".
Name another word for empty.
Name something that breaks easily.
Tell me something you would hate to be on when it breaks down.
Name a child star who grew up too fast.
Name a country known for their soccer skills.
Tell me something that is never there when you need it?
Name a Disney movie that does not have a female villain.
We asked 100 people: Name something people are afraid of.
Name a game kids might play in the car.
Name something you fill with water.
Name something the lawn mower might accidentally roll over.
Name something a teenager will not leave the house without.
Name something tropical.
Give me a woman's name that starts with the letter "D".
Tell me something people often break.
Tell me something you think of when you think of Ireland.
Name something a person might do after winning the lottery.
Name something people drink that's red.
Name an exotic animal you would like to eat.
Name something you might build around the house.
Tell me a reason why you might not go out.
Name something you might accidentally leave on a bus.
Name something that comes in a spray can.
Name a sport whose athletes leap with the grace of ballet dancers.
Name a word that rhymes with 'horn'.
Name a sign that your date isn't into you.
Name a game that is played at a family reunion.
Name a Leonardo DiCaprio movie.
Name something people wear too much of.
Give me a reason why friends might have a falling out.
Name something you might see in a hospital.
Name something green.
Name an animal you might see at Seaworld.
Name something you do in front of a mirror you wouldn't want anyone to see.
We asked 100 women: Name an actor who should definitely leave his body to science.
Name a situation where you show your driver's license.
Name something some people might swipe from the neighbors.
Past or present, name a famous vampire.
Name something that people think is lucky.
Name something you would hate to be out of order.
Name something you never forget hot to do.
If your socks could talk, what would they say to you.
Name a reason why a person might wear a hat.
Name something people do when they are happy.
Name a US state that starts with the letter M.
Name something that you rent.
Name something you associate with Canada.
Name something that a parent might disapprove of in their child's significant other.
Name something that slows down line at a fast food restaurant.
Name a place where you would not want to break something. (be more specific than store)
Real or fictional, name a famous 'Charles'.
Name a musical instrument you'd never find in an orchestra.
Name an occupation that starts with the letter 'S'.
Name something you associate with sleeping.
Name another word for 'happy'.
Name a game people play on their cell phone.
Name something you would never want someone to see you wearing.
Name another word for 'fun'.
Name a celebrity who is a bad role model.
Name a popular German word.
Name a place a student might go on a field trip.
Name a kind of place whose employees should stay home if they're sick.
Name a job that involved secrecy.
Name something you might wear a pair of.
Name a liquid that is put into cars.
Name a holiday that is not celebrated in the United States.
Name something in your house that children are not allowed to touch.
Name something you have less of with age.
What would you not like to be doing when the fire alarm goes off.
Name another word for liar.
Name something you buy a ticket for.
Name a fitness expert.
Name a famous female singer today.
Name a beast of burden.
Name a place you're likely to see a deck.
Name the sexiest actor working today.
Name the most important person in American history.
Name something you should stop eating if you want to lose weight.
Name an occupation that starts with the letter "B".
Name something you might go to on the 4th of July.
Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "Q".
Tell me something you wish you could do over again.
What do you call someone who scared easily?
Name a city that is often featured in spy movies.
Name an animal you would never try to wrestle.
Tell me a pet that might live longer than its owner.
Name something Barbie and Britney have in common.
Name something you drink out of the bottle.
Name a word or phrase you associate with the word 'long'.
Name a word that rhymes with 'zoo'.
Name something you do when waiting for a flight.
Name a situation where you would use a map.
Name a place you would not want your spouse to find you.
Name countries found in the Middle East.
Name something you put on a sandwich.
Name a part of the body that starts with the letter "S".
Name something that might cause a relationship to fail.
Name something that travels at high speed.
Based on how much you use it, what do you consider the greatest invention ever?
We asked 100 people: Name a movie that takes place in a post-apocalyptic world.
Name a profession someone should avoid if they're bad at math.
Tell me something that will still be around if humans were to go extinct.
Name a reason parents might send their child to bed early.
Name something a man pretends to like to impress a crush.
Name something you wipe.
Name something people stop doing when they become adults.
Name something a plumber might have.
Name a hobby a retiree might have.
Name a famous woman in history.
What's something you've fallen out of at least once in your life?
Name a character from the Star Trek universe.
Tell me a food that tastes better deep fried.
Name a popular salad dressing.
Name something that can be smoked.
Name a part of your body where you hate being tickled.
Name a food that's high in cholesterol.
You're in your car and think you are being followed. Where would you go?
Name something that might make you nervous.
Name an event in Olympic gymnastics.
Name something you would not want to happen while stuck in traffic.
Name something you need to build a house.
Name something people lose that they replace quickly.
We asked 100 women: What's your favorite part of your body?
Name something a gladiator might take into battle.
Name something you might turn down.
Name a drink you get at a cafe that most people can't make at home.
Name a place where you might find sand.
Name a famous college that looks impressive on someone's resume.
Name something kids play in gym class.
Name a place you would hate to get a phone call.
Name an animal you wouldn't want to hug.
Name something people do for luck.
Give me an animal that begins with the letter "D".
Name something that might give you road rage.
If a person didn't trust the banks, where might they put their money?
Name something people bring to a wedding.
Name someone who might use a megaphone.
Name something you put milk in.
Name something you buy that would be hard to return.
Name a fruit that could be fatal if you tried to swallow it whole.
Give me a DIY project that you might take up in your house.
Name a brand of women's perfume.
Name something people get nostalgic about.
Name something people cut.
Name something you associate with the city of Chicago.
Name something you might see at a carnival.
Name something people do on a nice day.
Name a word a director thinks about that starts with the letter "C".
Name something people put in their front yard.
Name something you might only wear on special occasions.
Name something you might find in a park.
Name something you might find in a closet.
Name a part of the body that moves a lot.
Name something that comes in an aerosol can?
What might your cell phone say to you if it could talk?
Name something that requires a lot of practice.
Real or fictional, name someone known for their wisdom.
Name a reason someone might have a garage sale.
Name a TV show you think ended too soon.
Name something people like to take pictures of.
Name something you look for in a potential spouse.
Name a gift that a guest might bring to dinner.
Name parts of a bicycle.
Name a reason why you might close your eyes.
Name a sign that a couple is really in love.
Name a place you would not describe as romantic.
Name another word for surprised.
Name something you think of when you think of France.
Name something you might grow in your garden.
Name something you find in a court room.
Name someone who is famous for helping people.
Give me an extreme sport you would never attempt.
What is hell to you?
Tell me something you would NOT like to get as an anniversary gift from your spouse.
Give me a woman's name that starts with the letter 'D'.
Name an actor who makes big box office hits.
Name a profession that might be considered dangerous.
Name something you would find in a tool box.
Name something every child wants for Christmas.
Tell me a place a child might be nervous about going to.
Name another word for 'empty'.
Name something that moves very slowly.
Name a place you would never go on a date.
Name something that might put a kid on Santa's naughty list.
Name a place that is associated with skiing.
Name a situation in which you might get up to cook someone breakfast.
Name something that flies.
Name an Oscar award category everybody watches.
Name something specific that parents might encourage their kids to pursue.
Name something you expect to find in the jungle.
Name something you associate with Russia.
Name a city that is known for bad traffic.
Name something that has a screen.
Give me a man's name that starts with the letter "R".
Name a country in Asia.
Name something that people frequently trip over.
Tell me something you would hate to see in a restaurant.
Name something you never leave the house without.
Name something people like to receive in the mail.
Name a country that has a massive population.
If someone left 12 million dollars to a dog, what would the dog buy with it?
Name something you hate about your morning commute.
Name a dance that is no longer hip.
Name something that grows back.
Name a job you need a lot of training for.
Tell me something a person could have that makes you not want to kiss them.
Name a celebrity you wish you could have dinner with.
Name an instrument least likely to get a band member groupies.
Name another term for marijuana.
Name someone you leave a tip for.
Name a country that begins with the letter "H".
Name a London tourist attraction.
Name something you do while you soak in the bathtub.
Name something that might wash up on a beach.
Name something the wealthy have.
Name something people store in a cupboard.
Name a famous news anchor.
Name something about getting older you look forward to.
Name an American sweetheart.
What's the worst apest of flying?
Which U.S. President gave the best speeches?
Name something Santa Claus has to look out for when he's flying in his sleigh.
Name a baseball player known for hitting home runs.
Name a place people work that starts with the letter "A".
Name an action star who is proably too old to be making action movies.
Name something you might find in a fish tank.
We asked 100 people: Name something you might buy at a dollar store.
Name a kind of pet you had during your childhood.
Name something specific someone might do to get them a parking ticket.
Name something that makes a house smell great.
Name something you eat that comes in a shell.
We asked 100 people: Name a popular dog breed.
Name a place where you would find a vending machine.
Name something you have no control over.
Name another word for 'fat'.
Name something you hate to be 'out of order'.
Name something that needs to be kept in the fridge.
Name a food you can deep fry.
Name a job that is physically demanding.
Name a hockey team that has a huge following.
Name something that comes in a box.
Name a former British colony that is not The United States of America.
Name something great about being an adult.
Name something people put behind their ears.
Name something you might find at an airport.
We asked 100 people: Name a batman villain.
Name something you wear on your hands.
Name an animal that is mentioned in the bible.
If your cat had an answering machine, tell me something the message might say he's busy doing.
Name something that comes in an aerosol can.
Name a famous female heroine.
Husbands and wives share many things. What is something that a husband and wife should never share.
Name a man who has inspired you.
Tell something you know about Romeo and Juliet.
Tell me a lullaby that always works on babies.
Name something you buy by the roll.
Name a city that has hosted the Winter Olympic Games.
Name a food that does not go well with kissing.
Name an outspoken TV news anchor.
Name someone who is famous for having a big mouth.
Name something you can buy in Monopoly.
Name a band associated with the 1980s.
Name something you take into the shower.
Name a famous "Dan" or "Danny".
Name something people applaud for.
Name something a telemarketer tries to sell you.
Name something that is useless.
Name a sport with the wimpiest athletes.
Name a kind of animal you might see in a swamp.
Name a country kids study in ancient history class.
Name a real or fictional band that has a food in their name.
Name an actor you might see at the circus.
Name a popular kids TV show.
Name something a good relationship has.
Name something you might see at a 4th of July party.
Give me a word that means the opposite of "serious".
Name something you would hate to lose.
Name something a parent might tell their child not to put in their mouth.
Name a band associated with the 1990s.
Name a situation where it is OK to throw food.
Name a red vegetable.
Name something Switzerland is famous for.
Name a vegetable that is not green.
Name an occupation in which a man can put his good looks to use.
Name something a lifeguard can do that someone with an office job can't.
Name a wood that's used for making furniture.
Name a job that pays well.
Name the most romantic place to get married.
Name a cereal kids love to eat.
Tell me a reason why you would give a bad tip.
Name another word for 'rich'.
Name a board game that causes arguments.
Name something you associate with the southern US.
Name something you would like to have named after you.
Name a way people pass time at an airport.
Name something (OTHER THAN FOOD) that people will buy, even if it is tripled in price.
Name a place kids might go if they skipped school.
Name a reason your flight might be cancelled.
Name something that could ruin a picnic.
Name something you might budget for.
Tell me something people say they're on.
Name something that might be recorded.
Name something you can be allergic to.
Name a staple of a college student's diet.
Name a situation where you might need to wear ear plugs.
Name something you might hit a ball with.
Name a food that is easy to eat while driving.
Tell me something you might to win over your in-laws.
Name something you hate cleaning.
Name something a small child would do as a chore.
What might a man keep in his wallet?
Give me another word for "poor".
Name a junk item lying around in your house.
Name something you can do during a power outage.
Tell me something you would NOT want to hear from the person you have a crush on.
Name a place where you would not want to get a flat tire.
Name something kids believe in that adults don't.
Name a strong female public figure.
Name something you think of when you think of Japan.
Name a profession that requires a specific degree.
Name something you might wear to a job interview.
Name something kids might throw at each other.
Name an animal that you would not like to meet in the wild.
We asked 100 people: Name a popular soda flavor.
Tell me something you would avoid when camping in the woods.
Name a celebrity that has their own line of perfume.
Name something birds have that humans don't.
Name something that reminds you of winter.
Name something that is not all that it is cracked up to be.
Name something people might bring to a gym.
Name a job that doesn't allow you to be very creative.
Name a popular soap opera.
Name a clever animal.
Besides the US, name a country that produces a lot of movies.
Name a German word everybody knows.
Tell me something you associate with Australia.
Name something you leave to chance.
Name a country where it's hot all year round.
Name something you do to pass the time at work.
Name something you wouldn't like to receive as a birthday gift.
Name an exercise highschool gym teachers make you do.
Name a food that starts with the letter "H".
Name a part of your body that has three letters.
We asked 100 people: Name a DC Comics superhero.
Tell me something you do NOT want to see in your food.
Tell me something that might happen on a date.
Name an actor or actress who is politically outspoken.
Name something on the highway that doesn't move.
Name something you might eat at a seafood restaurant.
Name something you might carry on your back.
Name something you should not take on your honeymoon.
Name something you associate with California.
Name a famous redhead.
Tell me a celebrity a teenage girl might have a crush on.
Name something people might do when they retire.
Name an occupation that starts with the letter "L".
Name a trait you would need to have if you wanted to be an NFL player.
Name something that might happen during a job interview that would cause you not to get the job.
Name a US city or state that has seen been better days.
Name a movie about magic.
Name something you might do for your mom on Mother's Day.
Name a specific reason why you might visit a fortune teller.
Name another word for 'friend'.
Name something that is blue.
Name something people keep in the basement.
Name something you might do to prepare for the first day of school.
Name a job you would never want to have.
Name a long running reality TV series.
Name your favorite character on Modern Family.
Give me a word that means the opposite of 'easy'.
Name something you might learn how to make in shop class.
Name something you might keep a secret stash of.
Name a place a cheap boss throws the office Christmas party.
Name something that might make a bad first impression.
Name something you would trade for fame and fortune.
Name a movie about robots.
Name somewhere where you have to line up.
Name something you would not wear to a funeral.
We asked 100 people: Name a mountain range.
Name something that is not heavy but still hard to carry.
Name a professional athlete who has also starred in a movie.
Name a reason why Mrs. Clause might have stayed with Santa Clause all these years.
Name a business that looks forward to Valentine's Day.
Name a reason a person might not be hired for a job.
Tell me something you associate with Canada Day.
Name something that is really hard to clean up.
Name something you associate with Frank Sinatra.
Name something you would hate to happen at your wedding.
Name something that a guy who's competitive hates to lose.
Name a reason you might have to leave work early.
Real or fictional, name something you would want with you in an emergency.
Name something you associate with Ancient Greece.
Name something you associate with punk music.
Name another word for 'slow'.
Name something that you need gloves to handle.
Name something people drink that is red.
Name something that when you get it means nothing, but when you don't you get angry.
Give me a movie that was based on a book.
Name something that makes your breath smell bad.
Name a word children often mispronounce.
Name a North American city you would not like to drive in.
Tell me something that is never there when you need it.
Name an animal that you could outrun.
Name something you would hate to find in your cellar.
Name a musical instrument with a mournful sound.
Name something you might see in the Amazon (Aminal is not an answer, be specific).
Name something you associate with rowing.
Name something that seems to make babies very happy.
Name an animal that mates for life.
When you're on a bad blind date, name something you wish you could be doing instead.
Name something kids are always saying that they are old enough to start doing for themselves.
Name something annoying at the library.
Name a U.S. city that starts with the letter "D".
We asked 100 women: Name something you'd hate to fall out of.
Name something you might have to get down from your roof.
Name a United States President who you think could have won on "Survivor".
Tell me something you stand around and wait for because someone else is using it.
What occupation do you think requires nerves of steel?
Name an occupation that you think is underpaid.
Name a former president you wish were around to get America out of the mess it's in.
Name another word for "stink".
Name something people have a personal code for.
Name something about Shaquille O'neal that's huge?
Name a celebrity Britney should follow around to be a good mother.
Most animals walk on all fours. Name an animal that doesn't.
Name something you would like to see when traveling through Europe.
Name something your passport reveals about you.
Name something you could buy for a dollar.
Name something you might see at a yard sale.
Name a favorite game from your childhood.
Name something you'd put in an ad when selling your house.
Give me an expression that uses the word "dog".
Name a TV show that's a clone of American Idol.
Name something you drink out of a bottle.
Name a gift from their husbands that wives have to sometimes pretend to like.
Name a sport that shouldn't be played in high school.
Name someone whose ideas made this world a better place.
Name a famous soccer player.
Name the most fun city in the U.S.
Name something people do at the movies.
Name a way people listened to music before iPods.
Name a country in Africa.
Name something you might give as a wedding gift.
Tell me a celebrity you would hate to sit next to on a long flight.
Name a place people work that starts with the letter "P".
Name something made of rubber.
Name something America is known for.
Name a place that has a lot of exits.
Name something you see on day-time TV.
Name something you might take mountain climbing.
Name a way a man might try to make himself look younger.
Give me a man's name that starts with the letter "Y".
Tell me something you would like to change about your partner.
Name something that has an ending.
Name something some people seem to need more of than other people do.
Name a job a teenager might have.
Name something people might mix.
Name a famous coffee chain.
Name something kids practice doing in their rooms.
Name something you might find in a woman's handbag.
Name something people often take for granted.
Name something you would not want to find under a Christmas tree.
Name something you would hate to happen at a BBQ.
Name something you would not like to receive in the mail.
Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "I".
Name something Canada is famous for.
Name something you might catch in a net.
Name another word for 'love'.
Name an inappropriate gift for your boss.
Name a way people traveled before cars.
Name something a boy scout might learn.
Name someone who cheers you up.
Name an animal with four letters in its name.
Name something people do when they are nervous.
Name a job that is underappreciated.
Name something you might see in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.
Name a specific place associated with skiing.
Tell me a game that kids might play at recess.
Name something people have no control over.
Name a food you rarely cook at home.
Name something people own to make their lives easier.
Name a famous videogame character.
Name a word that rhymes with 'leek'.
Name a hobby people often have.
Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "D".
Name something you put on a bed.
Name something on a highway that does not move.
Tell me something that you shouldn't reveal on a first date.
Name something that is hard to find in a city.
Name something you see people do on the subway.
Name something that hatches.
Name something a mom shouldn't still have to do for her grown-up son.
Name a place that should never host the Summer Olympics.
Name something you would not like to get while trick or treating.
Fact or fiction, name a famous spaceship.
Name a word a dieter thinks about that starts with the letter 'G'.
Tell me something you might want to make disappear.
Name something that they DON'T teach at school.
Name something that might cause your car not to start.
Name a famous Jewish actor.
Name a singer who is known by their first name.
Since there are no photo booths, name someplace Clark Kent now goes to change into superman.
Name something you think of when you hear the word "Choppers".
Name an occupation of someone who might ask you to lie down.
What do you think would be the first word, or words, spoken by Donald Trump's little son.
Name a kind of league people join.
Name something people call the police to report.
Name something people break off.
Name a famous "Douglas".
Name something you might find on the menu at a barbecue restaurant.
Tell me a famous person named Jackie.
Name something that's kept in a "tank".
Name another word for "stop".
Name a reason why you choose one job over another.
Name a famous bridge, often pictured on postcards.
Where were you the last time someone tried to cut in front of you in line?
Name a kind of place where you run into the rudest people.
Name something you crave on a daily basis.
Name a reason a customer might choose one gas station over another.
Name a movie where Clint Eastwood was either a cowboy or a cop.
Which occupation in America deserves to earn the most money?
Name an occupation that requires a lot of travel.
Tell me one thing people associate with Pilgrims.
Name a word you'd use to describe your mattress that could also describe someone's body.
Daytime or nighttime, who is the best-dressed talk show host?
Name a famous Ricky.
Name something you do when you see a mouse in the house.
Name something people do to avoid traffic.
Name something that's described as "smoky".
Name something that begins with the word "hand".
Name something people put in iced tea.
Name something specific that a lot of country western songs are about.
Name something you hang onto for dear life.
We asked 100 women: Using the theory that men are dogs, what breed are you most attracted to?
Name a kind of fish that would be impossible to swallow whole.
Of all the things invented by man, what do you think causes the most stress?
Name something you do for your dog's own good, that he hates.
Name something made in America that's loved by people worldwide.
Name something a man might love even more than women.
Complete this phrase: Bald as a(n)______.
Name an activity that's hard to do when you have a stiff neck.
Name something a doctor does that a patient has to remain still for.
Name something in the home that every member of the family probably uses.
Tell me something a kid might lie about.
Name a kind of place where you often have to wait to be waited on.
Tell me something that's kept in a "tank".
Name something that you now wish had been forced to do as a child.
Name something that sways back and forth.
Name something the Invisible Man might put on to become visible.
Name something in the bathroom that husbands and wives have separate ones of.
Name a country that starts with the letter "I".
Which country do you think has the safest drivers.
Name a product in your bathroom that is often replaced.
If you were given a million dollars today, tell me the first thing you'd buy.
Poor people worry about money. What do rich people worry about?
Name something a man spends more money on when he's in a relationship.
Name something you cannot be afraid of it you hope to become an astronaut.
Name a professional sports team in New York.
Besides food, name something you might find in a picnic basket.
Name something people know about the city of Paris.
Name something that could ruin a whale-watching trip.
Name something that annoys you at movie theaters.
Name a place where you see a lot of phony smiles.
Name an occupation whose members must get used to taking a lot of criticism.
Name an athlete who has won a Heisman trophy.
Name a word or phrase that begins with the word "egg".
Name an occupation whose members think that their time is more important than yours.
Name something that people put on during the course of a day.
Name a kind of place where you sit waiting for your name to be called.
Name something you might find in a person's shopping cart if they're planning on a romantic dinner.
Name something kids are told to take turns using.
Tell me how many cups of coffee it takes to give you the jitters.
Name a place people work that starts with the letter "M".
Name a kind of place where it's easy to catch other people's germs.
We asked 100 women: What would you do if your guy gave you a necklace that was ugly?
Name a measurement people know on their body.
We asked 100 women: Name something you've spent a fortune on in order to look beautiful.
Dogs chase cats. What do cats chase?
Name a country that begins with the letter "G".
Name a reason you might pull over to the shoulder of the road on a long drive.
Tell me someplace where a fight might break out.
We asked 100 men: Name something men think they know more about than women.
Name something that starts with "Under my".
Besides pirates, name something you might find on an old pirate ship.
Name someone you see on a regular basis who charges too much.
Name something a woman does to prevent her date from kissing her.
Name a place you go where you must show your ID.
Tell me a special request people make when booking an airline flight.
Besides money, name something you wish you had more of.
Name something that seems to fall apart about the time you pay it off.
Name someone you know better than to interrupt when they're talking to you.
Name something a store sells a lot of at Halloween.
Name an occupation in which a man wears an apron.
Name something you should get rid of when it stops working.
Tell me something about Cupid.
In what U.S. city do you find the greatest number of brilliant scientists?
What's something people do in their cars while driving that you think is crazy?
Name a strong woman who scares men.
Name something dogs do that cats probably think is really stupid.
Name something other countries think the United States has too much of.
Name a form of transportation that makes very little noise.
Name something a farmer might be embarrassed to say he doesn't know how to do.
Name something people lose as they get older.
Name something you wish airports had for when you're stuck on a long layover.
Name something a person might fall out of.
Besides babies, tell me someone or something whom you baby-talk to.
Name something people hate to find in their house.
Name a way people spoil their dogs.
Real or fictional, name a famous "Paul".
Name an occupation that has a lot of "quacks".
In which American city is it most expensive to eat dinner?
Name something that's good when it's dry.
Name something a boss has that the worker might envy.
Of all the talk shows on the air, which is the worst?
Give me another word for "sloppy".
Name something parents tell their kids not to do so loudly.
Name something some parents have that makes other parents jealous.
Name a souvenir people buy at Disneyland.
Name something that children say is always better at the neighbor's house.
Name something high school students have nightmares about.
Name an athlete who's got a bad attitude.
Name a slang term for someone who informs on a friend.
Name something that might have a knot in it.
Name an occupation where it's important to have clean hands.
What's the best source to get the current news?
Name something that you might see someone run after.
Name something little kids can do for hours on end.
Besides asking for a raise, tell us something else people ask their bosses for.
Name an occupation that could never be replaced by a machine.
Name something you hope is clean when company drops in unexpectedly.
Name something a doctor might give you that you don't really want.
Name something a burglar might see that stops him from breaking into a house.
Name something you sniff before buying.
Tell me an animal that high school teams are often named after.
Name something a young child takes with him when he runs away from home.
If you were living in a foreign country, name something you'd do to show your patriotism.
Name something you have more of now than you did 10 years ago.
Name something Holland is famous for.
Name a type of gymnastics move every kid knows how to do.
We asked 100 women: Name an animal which best describes your last blind date.
Name something that a nurse asks you to do before the doctor comes in to examine you.
Name a part of a car you open and close.
Name an activity during which you get bored and sleepy.
Name something of yours a neighbor might want to borrow.
Name someplace in the house where people hide their money.
We asked 100 women: Name something the man of your dreams has.
Name something a divorced couple literally cannot cut in half.
Tell me an excuse people give for showing up late.
Besides watching the movie, name something people do in a movie theatre.
Tell me something that Tom Cruise has been known to jump on.
Name a kind of suit you would not wear to the office.
Name something in your office that's covered in germs.
Name something Oprah has that starts with the letter "M".
Name a problem people have when they're barbecuing.
Name something that starts with "Knock 'em...".
Tell me a famous woman named Jennifer.
Name something most people only have one of.
Name a way you might be able to tell someone is a tourist.
Name an occasion when a woman might be especially nervous and excited
Name a part of the body that twitches.
Name something that might unexpectedly fly open.
The politician who wins the election is usually the person with the most what?
Name a part of your body that never stops growing.
Name something that might take blood from you.
Name a bird that's listed in The 12 Days of Christmas.
Tell me something some people have a hard time closing.
Name something about Shaquille O'Neal that's huge.
Name a kind of notice you get in the mail that has you saying, "oh no".
For whom do you most enjoy shopping?
Name a famous person whose first or last name starts with the letter "O".
Name an occupation in which you have to put up with a lot from other people.
Name something that might make a person decide to retire.
Past or present, what boxer would you most hate to step into the ring with?
Name something a couple must choose when they find out they're going to have a baby.
Name one of the super villains from a superhero movie.
Name a fruit that is used to describe a woman's body or part of it.
Name a quality that makes a person a good family doctor.
Name something that might come out early.
Name a type of cheese Americans like the best.
Name something you always see in Western movies.
Name something you check if you're last one to leave the office at night.
Name someone who wears a badge.
Name a famous person who died in a plane crash.
Name a famous person whose last name is Lee.
Name something that beginning drivers frequently forget to do.
Name a tool Geppetto might use to give Pinocchio a nose job.
Name someone who comes to mind when you hear the phrase: "loudmouth".
Name something you might purchase by the gallon.
Name a word or phrase that starts with "spring".
What's the one worst aspect of flying on a plane?
Fill in the blank: Whoever said money can't buy happiness never owned a _____.
If your body could be fixed as easily as the body of a car, name a new part you'd want.
When you're driving to work, name a place you wish you were going instead.
Name something you might watch through binoculars.
When money is tight, name something families postpone doing.
Name something you do while your friend drives.
What's the best man responsible for at a wedding?
What does a lazy person spend most of their time doing at work?
Name something a woman wears at work she'd take off when she gets home.
Name a word or phrase that starts with "coffee".
We asked 100 women: What occasion always causes you to put on a few pounds?
Name one of the disadvantages of driving an SUV.
Tell me what most people hate.
Name something that might be stuffed inside a ra
Name a reason people might wish you good luck.
Name a type of TV program people watch in the afternoon.
Name something in your house that's extra dirty after a big party.
Name a type of repairman whom you suspect is out to cheat you.
Name something in your life you wish you had more control over.
Name something men need courage to do.
Name something a woman might get more of just because she's incredibly good looking.
Name something you don't want to run over with a vacuum.
We asked 100 married men: If you became king of the house, what chore would you say was beneath you?
Name another word besides "money" that means the same thing.
Name a sport that does not contain the word "ball".
Name something you might see if you were in the Amazon forest.
At what age does a child first stay home alone?
Name a good excuse to get your date to come inside at the end of the night.
Name someone who works outdoors.
Name a command people give their dogs that they might wish they could give to their teenagers.
Name something that people are said to "bask in."
Name something people say when they click glasses to toast.
Name something show-offs show off.
Which airline employee probably has the most exciting work stories?
We asked 100 couples: What do you do when you and your partner get into an argument in a public place?
Name something you wash in a sink.
Name a sport that doesn't include a ball.
How many hours does it take to drive across your state?
Name a short phrase that begins with "hang."
Name something people do to a live mouse that would be strange to do to your computer's mouse.
Name a beverage you drink to cool off.
Tell me something you might skip doing if you're running late for work.
Name something you'd find in a haunted house.
Since first daughter Malia Obama has allergies, what would be a good breed of dog for her to get?
Name a decision that children think they should be able to make for themselves.
Name a holiday when you prefer to stay home rather than fight the crowds.
We asked 100 women: Name a bad habit you think most men are born with.
Name a job that requires you to risk your life.
Tell me someone who always seems to be present whenever you make a fool out of yourself.
Name something on your plane you hope is working.
Name something people do when they know a hurricane is coming.
Name something people celebrate paying off.
Name something you associate with skating.
When you move to a new city, name something that you have to fine a new one of.
Name something you use for company when you're home alone.
Name a word or phrase that starts with the word "baby".
Motor-Mouth is a one word of expression that ends in "mouth". Name another.
Name something you associate with British people.
Name a kind of place where people pretend to be paying attention.
Name something women like to take more time doing than men do.
If you wanted to simplify your life, name something you'd give up.
Tell me something that makes people thirsty.
If all the talk show hosts were at a dinner party, who would monopolize the conversation?
Name a job that makes men wear tights.
Name something a woman might lie about while being interviewed for a job.
What's the first thing you look for when you buy a house?
Name something that a really lazy guy would stick in the dishwasher to clean.
Name a food that can put a smile on your face and five extra pounds on your scale.
What would you say is the biggest expense in a very large family?
Name a field in which many of America's richest people have made their fortunes.
Past or present, name a woman famous for being well-dressed.
Name something a woman sees and thinks, "I Gotta Have It".
Name something that might give you a jolt.
Name something Florida is famous for.
Name a kind of creature that becomes giant-sized in sci-fi movies.
Name something people hate about public restrooms.
Name a famous Dolly.
Name something that begins with "The Real".
Name something horses have that people don't.
Name a place where people hope to go someday.
Name a skinny breed of dog.
Name an occasion when you're forced to pose for a family photo.
Name something you have to go back to get if you leave home without it.
Name a reason you might suspect a Little Leaguer is more than 12 years old.
Name something you think some people let grow way too long.
Name something about Santa that kids wouldn't dare to make fun of.
Name a specific animal you think of when you're with a bunch of party animals.
For what occasion in your life were you most nervous?
Name the first thing you would replace if you came into some money.
Give me one of the 10 commandments.
Name a famous Chuck.
Name a slang term for someone who grows up in a backwoods town.
We asked 100 married men: Name something you enjoy your wife doing for you even though professionals could do it better.
Name something that you have only one of, but sometimes you wish you had more than one.
Name a height when men consider a woman tall.
Name a person who's famous for having funny-looking hair.
Name a type of business where you might drop something off and pick it up later.
Give me another name for "tattletale".
Name something a witch would have to ride if her broom was broken.
Past or present, name a rock n'roll superstar.
Name something that's a lot more expensive this year than it was last year.
Name a kind of race that is hard to predict.
Past or present, name a TV show about a very wealthy family.
Name a slang word for "Stomach".
Which U.S. city has the most residents born outside the USA?
Name something you hate getting in your mailbox.
Name something specific babysitters do that irritates parents.
Name something some men just can't stand a woman being better at then they are.
Name a country that ends with "land".
When a man buys flowers for a woman, name a reason why he might choose one kind over another.
Name a place perfect strangers sit next to each other.
Name something that makes people tremble.
Name a type of food that might get caught on a man's moustache.
Name a loud noise you might hear coming from your rude neighbor's house.
Which comedian has made the most money this year?
Name something that begins with "March of _____".
What would a parent most want to see his child spend the afternoon doing?
Name one word that never fails to start a dog's tail wagging.
Name a famous "rabbit".
Name something the city of Atlanta is known for.
Name the busiest month of the year for a hotel.
Name something you do while your friends drives.
Name something you'd find in a ring.
What would you do if your spouse packed on 50 pounds?
Name something that both infants and adults find soothing.
Name something whose cost could bankrupt the average American family.
Name someone from the sixties who appears in high school history books.
Name a subject Regis and Kelly spend every day yakking about.
If your shirt accidentally caught on fire, what would be the best thing to do?
Name a movie or TV show that was set in outer space.
When you get out of bed in the middle of the night, name something it's easy to trip over.
Name something you hit if it doesn't work right.
Name someone you wish you could dance like.
Name a mistake that little children make when getting dressed.
Name the biggest challenge of being married.
Without seeing the cat, name a way you can tell a person owns a cat just by looking around their house.
Give me a phrase that begins with the word "cut".
Name something that many married men and women run out of.
Fill in the blank: City of _____.
We asked 100 married men: Name the one woman in the world you'd leave your wife for.
Name a kind of item that people frequently buy on impulse.
Name something that was worn in the 1970s.
Name a way to wake someone up in the morning that would be really mean.
Who on "American Idol" deserves to be paid the most?
Name a kind of business where they take their sweet time waiting on you.
You're sitting at home alone and you hear someone breaking in. What do you do?
Name a reality show where people turn into drama queens for the camera.
Name a reason why fathers want sons.
Name a kind of place where you wouldn't want to sit in the front row.
Name something that creaks when it gets old.
Name an occupation whose members should get an immediate raise.
Name something people carry in parades.
Real or fictional, name someone who's famous for helping the poor.
Name something you'd keep in your house in case of a natural disaster.
Although they're strong for their size, name something at a picnic that ants couldn't carry away.
Name a kind of place that's known for serving really bad food.
Name something big sisters teach little sisters how to do.
Name something parents brag about their children when they're babies.
Name an occupation whose members have huge egos.
Give me an expression which contains the word "ring".
Name something a wife tells her husband he needs to change.
Name something that usually happens in September.
Name something associated with Mark Twain.
Name something people do when they're depressed because they've gained weight.
Name a kind of sandwich you can easily recognize by its smell.
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